Can you believe it? Our little man has officially hit the 5-year mark!
It's Christmas Eve, and I'm sure for many of you that means rushing around to procure some last-minute Christmas gifts or holiday meal ingredients. (Crap! Forgot the cranberry sauce!)
But hopefully it also involves a lot of time spent with family and loved ones. And in the spirit of the holiday season, I thought I'd share a little greeting from our family to you and yours ...
Topics: holidays
Today I came home to find a fantastic Thanksgiving cookbook made by the kids in Emmett's preschool class. Each kid had dictated a Thanksgiving recipe to their teacher, who then transcribed it, verbatim.
The kids also drew pictures of said recipes, which is where things really get interesting -- at least in Emmett's case.
Withough further ado, below you'll find Emmett's recipe -- and his amazing drawing.
Topics: artwork
Curious how Emmett reacted to the news that he was going to be a big brother? Here's the story ...
We broke the news to him one night after dinner -- before we announced it to the public. In anticipation, I predicted Emmett
Topics: Stuff Emmett Says